Ryan's Tidbits of Wisdom, Love, and Making Out

2001 January 01 - 31

Created by Kenny 11 years ago
When Ryan was about 12, I had the opportunity to take him up to Greenville to pick up my girlfriend, Tara, who is now my wife, so that she could come down and meet our family. Well, on the way up there, Ryan says, "Hey Bub, you know how to get a girl to make out with you?" I was thinking... what is he talking about, or really, what in the world is he about to say? I indulged him, and said, "How do you get a girl to make out with you, Ryan?" He commences to start rubbing my arm, puckering his lips, and raising his eyebrows. Somehow I managed to say something like, "For real Ryan," in between the laughter. There was never a time that I spent with Ryan that I didn't laugh, and love him more deeply than I thought I could.